Saturday, February 08, 2020

Lego Saturn V - Bags 1 to 3

Around 6:15pm on Friday 17th January my grandson and I disappeared into the spare room where a table had been set up ready for the build. He is a Lego expert.  That means I have to be very careful his enthusiasm doesn't overrun the project, and I have to take a step back and listen to his instructions.
"First, Granddad, I lay out all the pieces sorted by colour."
"Then we're ready for the build, so I will take a picture"
It's not just the build I'm interested in, but the process, and the time I invest.

Bag 1 - 18:29 to 19:02
The build proceeded well, the instructions were clear, and there were only a few minor mistakes that I needed to be picked up on.

That was it for week 1.

Bag 2 - 18:24 - 18:37
The build required 4 sections to be made and attached to the rocket already built.  The labour was divided so the time taken reduced.  Attaching them to the already built part of the rocket was the only thing that might have caused an issue.  That was my job, my build, my risk.  He was having none of it, a very wise grandson.

Bag 3 - 18:43 - 18:59
This build also required 4 pieces to be assembled and attached to the existing build.  Again, the labour was divided.  There were some minor checks made to ensure that pieces were correctly aligned, but otherwise it was completely straight forward.  I have the job of adding the pieces to main build, and for these pieces care and accuracy was required.  Now I begin to understand the 14+ age recommendation.

Bags 2 and 3 were simple so we decided to do them in one sitting.  We will make these decisions about each bag as we go.


  1. Are you going to multiply the minutes by 2 since you are a 2 man team or 1.5 since one is under the recommended age?

    1. That's a very good question. I haven't thought about it yet. 2x would work for the last 2 bags, but for the first it would have been little difference between one of us and two of us. I might have to evaluate the approx time by bag.
