Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Sixth Session

It was my sixth session at the shoulder class today. That was, in theory, my last. However, I have been invited back because the Physiotherapist was unwell again, and will need to see me to do an assessment. The class was covered by another physiotherapist, so once again there were different exercises to do. The result was pain - not too bad and certainly not requiring drugs, but pain throughout the day as a result of new movements. I doubt I will remember them all.

As we come toward the end of treatment I have to ask the question "What benefit has been gained?"

Over the six weeks I have managed to:
  • get my right hand on to the top of my head to wash my hair, but not far enough above it to use a comb.
  • put the fingers of my right had on my left shoulder

After careful though I am fairly sure that is it.

Movement forwards and upwards is basically unchanged, as is movement sideways and upwards.
Movement behind the back is still very limited and very painful.
External rotation (see 'Signed-off') is still just as limited.

So do the exercises really work? One or two conversations in class and afterwards indicate that my experience is common with the others.

Why then have the specific improvements occurred? - because I have been doing my own practice to achieve them. That then is the whole of my case (such as it is). The generic exercises are of little, if any, help to specific problems. Specific exercise may be of some help. External rotation has had additional specific exercises and has not improved.

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