Sunday, June 07, 2009

Pamoja '09

Fund raising is something I am generally not good at. Generally neither is Jo. Jo decided some time ago that she would do a "Cream Tea" event for Karen to help out raising the £11,000 (stg) she need to take her youth group to Uganda. They have done a marvelous job getting to about 10,000. So Saturday was the day. Loads (really loads) of scones had been backed in the last few days. Loads of strawberries had been purchase. Loads of cakes, of all different sorts, made. It was all moved up to our church, and set up with a few helpers. Hire charges for the hall were waived - this being a church fund raising event. Here is one of the cake sale tables:

... and the raffle prizes:
At 2pm we waited. Only then did I sense the right prayers - I prayed for at least 50 visitors. Then I was sent to get sandwiches for the visiting youth group.

When I got back there were a number of people there, and I was put in charge of the dish washer. As the dishwasher does a lot of continuous work and has little time to see what is going on, I did not get a chance to count people, but I can assure you there were well over 50 different visitors. Our church also gave a gift from the mission fund, here is Karen and some of her group receiving the cheque.

Over £400 was raised during the afternoon, and we learnt today that sufficient funds have been raised and the trip will definitely go ahead.

We returned home on Saturday evening exhausted and thanking God for his goodness to us all.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Thanks Dad and Mum! I'm starting sentences with "The best thing about having parents is..." Don't really talk about much else at the moment!
