Monday, June 01, 2009

Pentecost @ Christ Church

50 days on the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples while they were (for once) obeying Jesus' command. That is because it was easy, and the natural thing for them to do. I can do that as well, when His commands are easy and natural I obey. How could we celebrate this differently, year after year we celebrate the birthday of the church, as pentecost is known.
We have had flags used in dance before, and we did it again at pentecost. Flags are good in this context as they can look like fire and sound like wind. Hopefully the sermon will soon be posted at I know that some do not like the flags but there are many who do. I had wanted the service to be uplifting and focus on the power that the spirit gives. I also wanted to be sure there wasn't anyone left in confusion, because the Holy Spirit can be confusing. We received no questions, but judging by the feed back we did at least achieve some degree of our general aims, though it is hard to tell how much.

On Thursday, at home group, we were studying the story in Acts 4. Peter and John are arrested for healing and preaching in the name of Jesus. They were told not to do it again. When they get back to base they pray for boldness to continue doing exactly what they have been told not to. They know the potential consequences - they were there when Jesus was put to death.

The consequences for me are nowhere near as severe, yet I continually 'miss' opportunities that are presented. There was a good opportunity on Sunday afternoon, when the subject of ghosts was briefly discussed. Why do I not even try to guide the conversation to more useful spiritual helpful topics. More Holy Spirit required!

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