Monday, May 25, 2009


There is more and more evidence that people's memory is highly selective and unreliable. (Here and Here) So when recording my previous post I carefully copied all the information from the provided sheet. Tim suggested that the Downton Mild was in fact called "Moonraker", and that is how I remember it. It is not however what is written on the sheet. If I get the chance to go back, and if the beer is on, I will check on the barrel.

Last night we were at a 21st birthday party. The children arrived home well after we did, and we spent an hour or so in the middle of the night chatting with them. One went straight to bed and says he has no memory of last night at all. The others are telling him what happened, or at least their version of what happened - which may owe more to invention than memory!

At the party we met the lady who organises the comedy night. She had heard that I couldn't remember the name of the last comedian. She told me the names of the first one and the last one, and the ones who will be at the next comedy night. Despite standing there and repeating the names to myself to try to fix the memory, I'm sorry to say that it has gone. Rex is all I can remember. So to google. "Rex comedian" --> Rex Boyd and that's him, I remember the outline, and the face.

While discussing plans for our summer series at Christ Church, we all agreed that a memory verse would be a good idea. We have tried this before, with limited success. I cannot decide if we should choose one verse for the whole seven weeks, or one for each week. Memorising scripture is another thing that I have not succeeded at, and I have to say that aids like Bible Gateway just help me to be lazy.

1 comment:

  1. Could it be that consumption of beer affects memory (and handwriting)?!
