Saturday, May 16, 2009

Not watching Eurovision

The blue roll is a hospital sized role of paper towel. Its nicely wrapped in polythene, and rolls really well. It caused you to stretch certain muscled in the back of the neck / top of the shoulder. Its the only exercise that I cannot do effectively at home. The Isometric resisted exercise is the one that consistently causes me least problem and little pain. I give you these last two, as I'm promised some new ones, although I'm not expecting line drawings.

Tonight is the evening of the year when all the countries in the Eurovision area - including Israel, among other non-European countries, gather together for their annual song contest. It used to be mandatory viewing when I was young, now it is to be avoided. Avoidance is essential if you are to miss the unedifying sound of a commentator pretending that its all fair and only the songs are being judged, or maybe you will hear the commentator being too flippant about the whole show and ruining their career. Also I don't enjoy listening to songs in other languages that I have no hope of understanding. When there were only western European countries it was bearable (because there aren't that many of them).

The week has been dedicated to work and sermon preparation, and I've been in a world of my own while I concentrate on these two important aspects of my life. In work I was asked if I would return the holiday that had been mistakenly carried over. I was happy to. Even more so when I was told that it was not required that I was paid while off because of my accident.

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