Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If you are ill DO NOT enter this hospital

This gave me a chuckle this morning as I went into the phisiotherapy class. If you are ill do not enter the hospital! OK I know that's not what it says and that it has a sensible message, especially as there are new Swine Flu cases in the area.
But the message it gives is "If you are ill do not enter the hospital". Decided I must get a picture on the way out. So, at each of the three notices I passed, I took a picture on my phone. This is the only one that is useable. You can see the outline of my reflection.
While waiting for the bus I thought some more, and remembered a talk in the cathederal about being a welcoming church. We don't have any notices that say don't come in, or at least they don't say that to me.

Jesus said "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." - Luke 5:31-32

What do we have that stops the (other) sinners coming in?


  1. If you go back home and telephone, do they still send you a bill?

  2. No bills in the UK - its called the "National Health Service" we pay a tax called "National Insurace" - 11% roughly
