Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sunny Saturday So-Far

The forecast for today was rain. It has not arrived, so I have been able to do a little work in the garden. I managed about an hour - including some digging. I have finally planted one of the rose bushes we were given for our 25th. I stopped to watch the F1 qualifying - by then I needed a break. The tablets I am taking (I assume) mean that I have had an upset stomach all week, but I found that this morning after the garden work it was gone. As I sat still to watch qualifying the pain went as well. One hour feeling normal, if rather tired.

I have started to group the exercises to make them easier to remember.
Wall exercises: The wall ladder, and the Isometric resisted exercise (pushing your own weight away from a wall) are probably the easiest and generate the least pain.
Towel Exercises: (or scarf in my case) one is to raise the are behind the back the other is my version of the pulley exercise.
Stick Exercises: Using a stick to raise the arm above the head, forward and sideways, and to push the arm to rotate the shoulder - stand with your back against a wall, put your arms by your side, bend you elbows so that your hands are pointing forward, now rotate the arm outwards so that the fore arm is also against the wall. (A picture really does paint a thousand words, but I don't have one for this exercise, so I'll not go on about it any longer) For this I cannot get beyond about 10 degrees from the forward pointing position.
Weight exercises: The pendulum you have already seen, the other is to strengthen arm movements as above.

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