Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shoulder Exsercises

There are nine in all on the sheet that I was given, however, there is one extra one for me. In the class we would do each for three minutes, but for some I cannot go on that long. This is the first one on the sheet, although the order is not relevant. This excersie is completed in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. When I first tried this at the class I found it VERY painful. It continues to be so, and anti-clockwise is still by far the worst. The exercise is done holding a 1kg weight.
I have now completed three sets of the exercises. They take between 20 & 30 minutes, but I'm not doing them for long enough yet. Minimum requirement is twice a day.

After last night's set my shoulder was very uncomfortable - even after taking the pain relief. I did not get to sleep until about 3am. Thankfully I had a day off work today.

At the end of the class yesterday I was given an assessment. A number of questions scored on a scale of 0 (zero) to 4. I scores 31 out of 48 - a high score. One of the questions related to sleep. I'm beginning to wonder if I will score more highly at the end of the six weeks.

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