Saturday, March 07, 2009

Car slapping

I am plastered. Just so that you realise that this has nothing whatever to do with alcohol I have included the picture. I also thought this picture might me more acceptable for facebook as there are some who don't sound happy about the unclothed torso. Yesterday I explained that the intent behind this is to allow me to sense the movement in my back. It works well for bending over, and very well for slapping cars, but not very well, if at all, for tiny movements of the shoulder blade when lying face down on the bed. Still I will keep trying, and keep exercising. "There is no gain without pain" they say and it is no doubt true, but after Friday's manipulations there is no time without pain either, so I may as well go for the gain.

Today Jo and I went to Pipps Hill to look at printers to see if any of the rear feeding ones would fit in the 15" high space and still allow access to the paper. It seems they will. I now thing I know what the new printer will be.

After that I took a short trip to the town centre to pay in some money that my son had given me (to pay off his loan). On the way across the notoriously badly designed Sun Street zebra crossing I stopped and waited for the driver of the car to acknowledge my presence. He didn't. He didn't even look my way, just drove off. As he passed I managed to slap the side of his car. Once round the roundabout and on the High Street he slowed down as he passed me and wound down his window. We exchange pleasantries and he left. Shall I say that he was not impressed with having his car slapped, and I'm quite sure he realises that I am not impressed that I was nearly run over. I also think he was properly awake by then.

So to cheer me up and remind me that spring is almost here - these are the dwarf daffodils poking their heads through the grass and winter debris to get some sun.

1 comment:

  1. Over here slapping a car could get you shot-- road rage is a big problem, an American solution to any petty annoyance.

    My wife won't let me buy an AK-47 for some reason. I think I could reduce so much stress in the neighborhood if I owned one.

    Glad you still have time to smell the flowers.
