Sunday, March 08, 2009

Road Accidents and dangerous behaviour

On our way from Church this morning we followed a motorcycle with 'L' plates. He was very close to the car in front. As the car slowed, he locked his brakes and skidded into the car. All this happened at slow speed, so there wasn't much damage. The motorcyclist drove off. Having an accident isn't illegal but driving off afterwards is. Had he stopped he would have been in less trouble, I assume. The car that was hit stopped by the side of the road, and we drove past.

"Stop" I said. Jo looked at me slowed and kept driving.
"STOP" I shouted. She stopped.

I got out of the car and walked back. The driver was now out of her car looking at the damage. Not serious, but it shouldn't have happened. I gave her the motor cyclists registration number, and my address.

It is, thankfully, a long time since I have been involved in an accident, although I've come close twice in two days! What really annoys me is that so few witnesses are prepared to stop and volunteer their details.

I read John's comments on yesterdays entry with interest. Road-rage is a problem in the UK also. Its as likely that the guy would have jumped out of his car and hit me or knifed me. Shooting is unlikely, there is no right to bear arms and guns are reasonably difficult to get - especially AK47's. So why did I do it? Well it wasn't something I had time to reason about, it was a reaction. I find, even now, that my reactions are significantly more risky than my planned actions. If I had time to think everything through I would do nothing - everything would be too risky.

Someone could take exception to my blog, find out where I live and come to my house to get their revenge - unlikely, but possible.

To stop waffling - why did I do it? I really have no idea. In my last sermon I asked 'What would Jesus do?' Well, I don't have an answer for that either, He would want to speak with the driver, but how? Anyway, I just had a strong feeling that a driver who pays so little attention to their surroundings needs to be woken up and to drive carefully. Today showed me, by example, what can happen when drivers are not paying attention.

I hope and pray that the learner has learnt.

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