Friday, March 06, 2009


I have been referred to the Shoulder class. This is a class designed specifically to help people with shoulder injuries. You have to have progressed beyond basic recovery to be allowed to go. I expect to hear in about a week when I will be eligible. It is like passing an entrance exam.

It is not all good news though. One of the muscles that controls my shoulder blade is very weak, and I have no sense that it is moving at all. To that end my back is covered in sticky plaster to try to enhance the feeling. I have a new exercise to do that will help me to strengthen it. Whether I will be able to do it effectively is another question. The physiotherapist put my shoulder where it should be and said "Can you hold that there?". She let go. "Oh, apparently not". I felt my shoulder move, but not the muscles in my back.

I am working from home on a bright spring morning. The sun is strong - you can really feel the warmth of it, but the wind is cold. Sitting working, listening to the drone of a light aircraft somewhere in the distance and no other sound took me back to childhood. That sound, the bright sunshine, and the wish to be up and out is a regular memory from all the times I was ill as a child. Why was I always ill on nice days?

Anyway today I had the chance to get up and out. Even walking through the High Street, with the crowds and the traffic was wonderful. How could you not want another 10,000 days like this? Without the shoulder injury, I was going to say, but even with it, I'll take days like today.

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