Sunday, June 21, 2009

Late Finish, Early Start

Most of Saturday was spent writing the script for the sermon for Sunday morning. From a blogging point of view that is not so interesting. In the evening however our activities are slightly more interesting. A friend of ours plays in a band, the band had been invited to play at Lower Kingswood Parish Church. The church is called 'Wisdom of God' - referring to Jesus, or course. What a superb name for a church.

The picture is of the church entrance, the event was in the hall across the road.

The band covered songs from the 50's to the 90's and the mix of instruments made a great sound. It's a shame that the singer's voices were not transmitted well by the sound system. Our friends who are missionaries in Tanzania were also there (they return in August - probably - but that's another story). So it made for a very enjoyable evening.
The band played two sets - 50 minutes and about 1 hour - very good value for money. We hope that the aims of the event were met - to get some of the local people into the church buildings, as a forerunner to some more serious outreach.

The journey back was a nightmare. The M25 went from 3 lanes to 1 just past junction 3. Before we got past the exit traffic came to a halt. After a while I set up the Sat-Nav to avoid motorways, and off we went - via the Blackwall tunnel. The diversion added 30 minutes to the trip. We had already left late - saying good bye after 11:15, and arrived home sometime around 1:30 am. Then up at 6:50 to prepare to the 8am service.

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