Monday, June 22, 2009

Comedy Club (2)

Sunday Evening we were out again. I can't remember the last time we were out on Saturday & Sunday evenings. The weekends seem to get busier and busier.

So to the comedy club ..
In a smaller room this time, and only 3 comedians. They all did quite long sets.

Sharon, the compare and one of the organisers get the room 'warmed up' between acts with a song and lots of encouragement to join in and be noisy

Miles Crawford
This was generally a good set, and Miles has a way of picking on people and using them for his act. The comments go back and forth, and there is lots of laughter. He uses his colour to good effect. There is a little too much leering at the women, it wasn't that funny, and the younger women in our group were uncomfortable with it.
The 'invisible pack of cards' was very funny and very well done. He manipulates the audience to think of a card (most of his act has lead to this point). Some (less than) witty person shouted out the right card, and there it is picked out of a real pack. In these situation my brain refuses to do what its told, so the 5 of Hearts would not be the answer he was looking for.

Del Strain
A Glaswegian comedian who's basic line is that Glasgow is a tough city, with hard men. Certainly true when I was there many many years ago. He is quite funny, but some of his humour is lost in his accent. I found myself translating, then laughing, and missing the next joke. He has a few props with him and makes excellent use of them.

Ricky Grover
At last one who has his own website. According to wikipedia much of what he said in his 'act' is true! Well you couldn't make it up I suppose. Ricky was a worthy headline act for the evening. His set was long and consistently funny - his life story with asides. Ricky was the only one to have to deal with heckling, and he did so mercilessly. It was one of the funniest parts of the night. I will watch out for Ricky and try to see him again, if possible. He's like a hard version of Fred Scuttle (Benny Hill). That'll be the mix of hairdresser and boxer! I appreciate people who can play the idiot intelligently and make it funny.

All of the above still need to think about their use of the F--- word. It really isnt funny, and it often detracts from what you're trying to say.

Sharon the compare splits the room in two and gets them compete for clapping, singing and general noise making. Things went a little far, with one young(ish) woman dropping her trousers and lifting her top (not at the same time). Not a pretty sight I'm sure, but I couldn't see where I was sitting - thankfully. The compare is there to keep things going and must be careful to keep the atmosphere simmering, not boiling over.

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