Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Preaching Idea

Standing up in front of anywhere just talking to people has long been the way preaching has 'worked'. Educationalists would tell of how little is absorbed by just listening, seeing is a lot more effective - how many time have you said "show me"? Doing is the most effective "let me try that". We are restricted in the church environment. One to one hundred (if your lucky) is never going to allow for too much of the "let me try that", neither are we teaching people to use a computer or similar. Rather we are helping them see something new of Jesus or the situations He was in. Possible we might include some suggestions for how that might relate to the world of AD 2000+ and what they might choose to do about it. Hopefully thay are listening to me and the Holy Spirit, so I don't mind if they miss a bit here and there. There are other things we try to do as well. Looking at the latest ABSO Jesus (709) and in particular reading the comments I came across an interesting idea - Jazz Preaching. I do not know if it has been tried, and have asked that question.

There were some other interesting links too, I especially liked this picture:

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