Sunday, April 19, 2009

Every Time ????? / No Time

Every Time ?????
10 new updates applied today, then I thought I'd install my software - think again! - No DVD drive.

I have now applied this patch 3 times. That equates to every time I need the DVD drive after Vista updates are provided I think.

No Time (Yellow Lines)
The dreaded yellow lines have been down for over a week now. That means we have to spend a long time juggling cars. (I can't juggle) I requested a residents scheme, and was told that it was not appropriate because it would impede the free flow of traffic. Where I wonder does the traffic go? Up to the top of the hill and back down again. So how much traffic is there? Almost none, except at school times, but those are the times when waiting is banned. Tomorrow will see the first test of this new imposition.

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