Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dell Inspiron 530S & Vista - DVD Drive is back

Vista SP1 support sebt me a long procedure, which is better than anything I'd found on the web:

Step 1: If you have installed any CD/DVD-burning software, please temporarily remove them from "Control Panel"-> "Programs and Features".

Step 2: Modify the Registry


1. Click the Start Button, type regedit in the "Start Search" text box and then press ENTER.

2. Navigate to the following key:


3. Right click the {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} entry, choose "Export", select Desktop in the Save in box and type backup in File Name. Click Save.

Please Note: The backup file is on the Desktop and named backup.reg. We can simply restore the registry by double-clicking the backup.reg file.

4. Highlight this key ({4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}), on the right pane, and then check if Upperfilters and Lowerfilters value are present. If so, please right click on the values and select "Delete" to remove them.

5. Restart the computer

Step 2 fixed it - onwards to the Network card. Strike while SP1 support is free.

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