Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Reasonably Good

Today was assessment day. The consultant had another x-ray taken from the front and the back. He showed me the pictures and zoomed in. Now I can see why it so painful to lay on my right arm. The plate is held to the bone with screws and the screw heads are slightly proud of the plate. Unmagnified you probably wouldn't see it, but I bet you'd feel it. I now have a reasonably good shoulder but he is still predicting limited movement. The large gap between the arm and the joint has almost closed. There is much movement to be gained but it won't get back to the way it was. The answer to this PHYSIOTHERAPY (= pain). I don't enjoy exercise and never have, not as an aim in itself. I will have to keep on telling myself that there is another aim, so I don't get bored and give up too soon, as I have already started to do. Hopefully the Shoulder Class will help.

It seems to me that I have become an old man almost overnight. From tomorrow I will be on daily drugs to combat the osteoporosis, and will be continuing to take pain killers. I feel the cold so much more since my stay in hospital and have started wearing socks!

What's next? Slippers, building a porch and buying a rocking chair, a zimmer frame?

To delay all these things I must exercise, so that's what I'll go and do now....

The good news is that I can go back on the bus and I'm allowed to drive - just a little.

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