Tuesday, February 17, 2009


In hospital I was offered a bone density scan and I accepted. The scan occurred today. Another visit to Basildon Hospital. The Osteoporosis Clinic is in a side room next to the lifts, between two signs pointing to each other, with apparently only the toilets and lifts in between. Valerie said "I met you on the ward". I had to admit I didn't remember who I'd met, my excuse can only be that she woke me from one of the few reasonable sleeps I had.

So I was asked to lay on the couch, while a large curved arm scanned back and forth across my bones. They seemed to be having trouble, and I wondered if there was anything left to find. The scanner provides images direct to a computer (and sounds just like a flat bed scanner when its working). The analysis of the results takes only a few seconds, so by the time I'd get off the bed they were ready.

I am a conundrum. Bone density is OK in places, and not so good in others. So treatment will be required. A couple of days ago I avoided being on drugs for life - just, now it appears that I will indeed be on drugs for life. There are a few more tests before it's all agreed, but that's the way it looks.

They do not scan the skull (did anyone take my last entry seriously - I hope not), so I must just assume that all the bone loss is ending up there - at least that is how it seems at the moment - my thoughts are struggling to get through the skull and out into the world where they can do something.

The sunset from my window on Sunday night was stunning. By the time I had the camera ready and had switched off the automatic flash some of the impact had been lost. You can see that left handed pictures do not get the best result, the stability is not there.

1 comment:

  1. "My thoughts are struggling to get through the skull..."

    With all you've been going through, its a wonder that you can think of anything but your arm.
