Friday, February 20, 2009

Improved angles, New exercises and Old frustrations

Today was physiotherapy day. I worked from home, but didn't get as much done as usual. There were two reasons for this, the short description of each of these is pain and tiredness.
Pain, because the physiotherapist had spent some time manipulating the arm, and had succeeded in getting it to move more that I have. She also checked my progress, by checking the angle I can raise my arm forward, sideways and behind my back. There was an improvement, but not that great an improvement. I have to learn how to use the muscles that have been damaged by the accident and the following operation. I cannot feel those muscles moving, perhaps because they are so weak, or perhaps because my brain hasn't learnt how to understand their signals yet. My tendency is to use the muscles that I know how to work - if I do that I will learn all the wrong movements, and will end up with neck problems. That is a good motivation to get it right. I have also been given a new exercise to help me to raise my arm. It involves putting a scarf over a door and holding on with both hands. I try to lift my right arm, and support it by pulling down on the left, this extra extension also adds to the pain. I won't say that the pain relief is useless, but it certainly isn't very effective. With the new exercise and the manipulation the pain has been constant today, even with the maximum dose of codeine.

Tiredness, because I had a really bad night. I slept poorly, and was woken easily. Mike and his girlfriend came in around 2:30am, I was still not properly asleep, and they woke me up - being noisier than usual. I was uncomfortable, so started the days pain killers before 3am, which is very early. I did sleep a little. Slightly later than I should have I dragged myself out of bed and downstairs for a cup of tea. Later in the bath I remembered that I should be fasting for a blood test (to rule out possible causes for loss of bone density), so the test will have to be on Monday.

Aside from all that my Vista system has taken on another strange behaviour. Every so often my ability to browse the web ceases, the browser just sits and waits for ever. When I log off Firefox is still running, so a restart is required. so now its off to the web to find probable causes and try to fix things. I will start by re-installing Spybot and Zone Alarm as they have both recently been victims of Vista's security mechanisms. Changes to both have failed because Vista will permit some things and not others.

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