Sunday, September 21, 2008

25 years

On Wednesday I will have been married for 25 years. We had been told to keep Saturday 20th September clear - so we did. Karen arrived mid-afternoon, and there was lots of talk of going to Stock Brook (where Andy works). I was a little skeptical that even he could have pulled off a cheap deal, and that we really could go to Stock Brook. We didn't. We went to Christ Church Hall. The venue is not important because there were SO MANY people there. Some had come from the North of England, others were friends who live in the town and attend the same church. I was very please to see them all. Jo and I spent almost all of our time going round talking to people. We didn't even manage to have a proper go at the buffet! Some people we hadn't seen for about 10 years, but they don't change.

Does this count as #2 in the list of 25 things. I think so, we have never been to our 25th wedding anniversary party before!

I must say a big thank you to the co-conspirators - Liz and Karen. Here they are in the car as we arrived at church, with me playing with the camera - as usual.

After that there are 100's (literally) of pictures, but none on my camera - because the ruse that was used to get us into the hall meant I left it in the car, and then forgot about it.

An amazing evening - We even did karaoke - badly, but to a live band. So that can be #3 of the 25 things -we have never sung together (just us two) before.

So I did say some thank yous at the event, but its worth writing it here also.

Thanks to all who came, especially to those who came from far and wide

Thanks for all the presents, most of which we will open on Wednesday.

Thanks Karen for all the organising, and the truly brilliant speech.

Thanks Liz for keeping a straight face while organising things at home, and not letting on.

Thanks are also due to the boys and their friends, who helped with the food, and the clearing up - and some other stuff, I expect.

Thanks to Jo, of course, without whom none of it would have been possible.

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