Saturday, July 20, 2024

Anniston 16 July 2024 - Lego build day 3 - completion

Today must be the final day of the build, or it will not be finished on time.

At Timestamp: 20240716_102333 we look at the tasks to be completed today, the bags are laid on the table with the shuttle as it is built so fay.

At Timestamp: 20240716_105442 more of the tail is built

At Timestamp: 20240716_113306 the cargo bay doors from the unnumbered bag are installed.

Time Taken: 70 minutes

At Timestamp: 20240716_154424, bag 14 is started

At Timestamp: 20240716_162811, bag 14 is complete, and the cockpit surround has been built.

At Timestamp: 0240716_162844 bag 15 is started

At Timestamp: 20240716_170101 bag 15 is complete, the tail is built.

Time taken for these bags, 77 minutes

At Timestamp: 20240716_171826 bag 16 is started

At Timestamp: 20240716_175329 bag 16 is complete

Time taken: 35 minutes

At Timestamp: 20240716_214226 the final bags are started

At Timestamp: 20240716_220633 the shuttle is complete!

Time taken: 24 minutes

Time taken for all today's build: 206 minutes (3 hours 26 minutes).  This is an amazing effort, the focus and concentration dropped a little at the end, but we got there!

Lunch today was at 'Rocket', a BBQ restaurant.  The food was amazing and the portions typically American plus-sized.  While we were eating lunch, the storm briefly cut the power in the restaurant and at home.

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