Thursday, June 06, 2024

Lincoln - City Break - Castles, Kings and Dragons

28 May 2024

We are being 'tourists' as well as friends, so we will get to see some of the city that we usually would not.  Today we visited the castle.  There's a lot more info here,  We had a very entertaining and informative guide, that we followed around in the drizzle. They have some very large dragons. I'm not too sure of the significance of them, but they are impressive.

More importantly, they hold one of copies of the most important documents in the world - the Magna Carta ("Great Charter of Freedoms").  Originally, it was simply a treaty between the king and the barons and was soon broken, but it encompassed an idea - the king is not all-powerful. From that idea, all our personal freedoms have evolved, most particularly that everyone (yes, really everyone) is subject to the rule of law.

The document is held in a special room.  When we were last in Lincoln, it was held in the Cathedral, and access to it was closed. I'm very please to say I've seen it.  I can't read it, of course, it's in Latin.

The castle, itself, is an amazing place, partly because of its size, but also because of some of the construction that has happened.  It now holds the Lincoln Courts building inside its walls, and at one point also had a prison.

The Picture shows how the prisoners were allowed to attend church services.  One per cubicle, and all you can see from there is the pulpit.

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