30 March 2024
The alarm sounded at 5:40, way too early when you normally wake up at about 8:00. We have to be in Norsey Woods for the Bird song walk at 6:30. It doesn't help that the freezer suffered a minor malfunction, but we got there. Binoculars and phone app to hand to identify the birds from their song and if possible to see them as well.
The guides and the other enthusiasts put us to shame with their knowledge and easy identification. It will take me a long time to be that proficient. The app (Merlin) identifies birds in real time, allowing me to watch the bird come up, just as the song starts. It is very helpful. We walked around for about two hours, and I am slowly getting used to locating birds with binoculars, that's another skill I have to learn.
There is a great-spotted woodpecker at the top of this tree - you'll have to trust me because I only had my phone with me, and even zoomed in it is just a blob.
The sound of the birds was amazing, and I remembered an incident from school life. One of the teachers in junior school asked if someone could get up early to record the dawn chorus. A boy called Andrew volunteered, and was very enthusiastic. Unfortunately, he couldn't get up early, so we never did hear the dawn chorus from his house.
From our house, it was amazing, but I was never an early riser, so probably missed the best of it.
Today's walk in the woods, and the birds we heard, was very impressive, but I suspect it would have been better 50+ years ago.
We definitely heard Chiffchaff, Robin, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Wren, Wood-pigeon and the sound of woodpeckers pecking. We also disturbed a Muntjac.
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