Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Alabama 2023 - 6 July - Anything from anywhere?

Having an old phone that is nearing the end of its life, the original picture I took of this banner was not on my phone when I came to record my first blog of the holiday.  When we arrived at the airport exit, we were met by Karen, her phone already in a call to Robert and the children.  So we got an instant hello. On arrival at the house, we were ushered in quickly to two very happy grandchildren holding the banner. A precious moment, that needs recording, but the recording happens as a memory and must not become part of the event.

Today was a quiet day, the heat outside is oppressive, so we're not going anywhere.  So, you might think there is not much to do, but things at home are still going on - things that should have been completed before we left.  There is a constant stream of messages. There are websites I can't reach from the new laptop, but can from my phone, which makes it much harder to see what is happening.

It is not true that I can do anything from anywhere, I need to be local, move cables around, and reconfigure routers, which means restarting them.  So all that is delayed until I return.  Meanwhile, we play with the children, chat with the adults, a little, and watch Wimbledon.  It's fun, with an underlying dose of frustration.  Perhaps it was better when I didn't know?

We also have technology problems here, Jo's phone has decided not to charge from the charger I bought with me, but it does seem to work with one of the chargers here.

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