Saturday, July 21, 2018

Pendoggett Day 12 (Wednesday) Castles & a Post Office

We visited Tintagel to look at the Old Post Office - it was locked when we arrived, but was soon open. There is a fascinating array of ancient telegraph machines and also a display of samplers (cross stitch), One done by Temperance Fisher. Another name that cropped up in the display was Sapience - means wise. Karen and Liz, how would you like to be Temperance and Sapience.

We walked down to see the remains of the castle, but just for the view, we did not visit the site.
Then on to Boscastle, where we walked out onto the harbour wall down both sides of the harbour.  Jo is sitting at the end of the walk way, which is partly covered in seaweed (wet and slippery) and didn't fancy the last stretch on to the harbour wall.

We then went up the South West Coastal path about a mile to Pentargon, a view point where there is a waterfall in the cliffs opposite.  It doesn't look like there is a way to get closer, and we had no intention of going further, so prepared to turn back.  But, we found another path and made a circular walk back to Boscastle.  Then home for the England vs Croatia game.

Walking Minutes:173 Brisk:61
Steps: 12,603
Measured Walks: 2.87 (49:38 mins/mile)

Peril Index +2

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