Sunday, October 07, 2012


Early last week we were waiting patiently for the news.  We had known for a while that it would happen soon, now it seemed the day had arrived, but maybe it would take a long time.  So as with these events is the past I got ready to go to work.  Now there is text messaging, so we received an SMS message and on the strength of what it said cancelled the planned day at work.  On the strength of that we began making our travels.  On the way, another message announced the arrival of Leo. 

We are grandparents!

Wait, isn't that supposed to be for OLD people, that's what I've always thought - grandparents are old people.  (Well except when babies are born to very young parents.)  So, while driving to the hospital I was contemplating being, yet more officially, old. Its not a pleasant thought.

All through the process of driving, parking, queueing to get in to see the baby, I had time to come to terms with the new reality. Then we were there with him.  All thought of age are gone, only wonder remains. A perfect specimen. A handsome boy, doing what babies do - eat, sleep, and create mess.  A proud father and mother, both looking surprisingly fresh, but the it had been a (relatively) easy birth.

We are starting the process of adjusting to the new reality.

We spent the next few days travelling to the hospital to see him.  He was given antibiotics because of a suspected infection and had to stay in to complete the course.  Now he is home, and we are looking forward to seeing him on a regular basis.  We are looking forward to watching him grow.  Already his eyes are changing, and he determinedly pushes himself up to look around.  He loves to study faces.

We are hoping to be good grandparents, and as we get better and better at grand parenting that we may get the title great.

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