Saturday, September 24, 2011

DXA Scan #2

Thursday I went for the first follow-up DXA scan.  It was supposed to be in February, but getting things done in the NHS is not all it could be.  The the appointment only came through a week ago and included a blood test, which I had to take the following day to get it completed in time.
So the scan itself was the same as last time.  Some buzzing and whirring and some pictures of my bones at the end.
The good news is that my densities have increased in all three locations, hips and spine.  I was told though that the spinal increase is probably due to arthritis.  I'm sure I remember being told that improvement was impossible - but there it is and no-one was trying to deny it.  This is apparently down to exercise, so the dog is therefore responsible.  Without him I would not get out as much and certainly would never be running - not that I do much of that anyway.
The even better news is that I do not have to go on any more medication.  Officially I have Osteopenia, and am not a great risk of further fractures.  After my last experience with Alendronic Acid (called Alendronate now?) I was not looking forward to having to try any new medication along those lines. 

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