Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another Evening at the Rising Sun

Rarely as I've travelled through life I have found myself in a group of people who naturally gel.  The team I was part of and then lead in 2002 - 2004 was one of the few.  We were not split up all at once, but large companies tend to move their people around quite a lot - usually to try to save money, although I'm never sure that works.  I originally suggested that we planned our next get together to occur some time in February, then March, and finally April.  In April, we just about managed it.  We are now all working in different companies, I think, although one of our number was sent to Florida at short notice and couldn't be with us.  We met at the same location - the Rising Sun.  I notice that my previous two reports have been in June.  There is a lot of re-development happening around St. Paul's Cathedral, we all had concerns that the pub might be closed.  It wasn't.  It was relatively empty, though, it's usually a fight to get to the bar - not this time.  We stood inside, ignoring the newly pedestrianised road where most of the other customers were.  Then it was upstairs to the Thai restaurant.  What did we have last time?  Should we choose the same again, or have something different?  I chose ginger chicken stir-fry, I can't remember the Thai name, and I suspect it wouldn't mean much to you anyway.  The food was, as always, very good.  The company, as always, was even better.  There's always lots to talk about, and we never seem to quite get fully up to date - so there's reason to come back again.
The journey home was uneventful, and I was relaxed and happy having spent a good evening with old friends.

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