Monday, August 10, 2009

My Theory 1: Water makes you obese

Well not you, as most of you are too old to fall into this category.

Here's how it goes.

Young people today are constantly told to drink water. This is to stop them becoming dehydrated (allegedly). I have to say I never remember, as a child, getting dehydrated while being out in the sun, but perhaps that is just me. The water children are given is in those plastic bottles that are almost as common place as supermarket carrier bags, it is not a pure as tap water, but usually tastes better.

We have just had a water cooler installed in the office, so I am drinking more water than I used to. Now here's another fashionable piece of rubbish. When you feel hungry drink water, because actually you're thirsty. NO! When I feel thirsty I'm thirsty and need a drink. When I feel hungry, I want food. I don't always really need it.

Back to the theory. Drinking water makes me feel hungry, especially but not exclusively, when its chilled. The more I drink the hungrier I feel. Also if I'm drinking lots of water there is less chance for my stomach to shrink between meals. So on two counts I eat more - more than I need. That leads to added weight and eventually obesity.


1 comment:

  1. Dad... I love you! Can't help but laugh at the water theory, especially since you used to say to us when we were young "if you are hungry make yourself a sandwich" (the effort of making a sandwich normally cancelled out the hunger!) Maybe children aren't challenged enough...
