Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Shoulder Class session 2

Same old exercises, just set together with some warm up and some ball games. One of which is shooting into a basket ball hoop. I scored one out of five. That made me equal top scorer for this week.
I have a walking stick at home for this exercise, doing it with a broom handle in the class was a lot harder. The walking stick has a carved head and is much easier to hold.
Physiotherapy seems to be basically: if the arm won't go where it should push it until it does. It does seem to be working, but I'm still unsure whether that's me pushing the day-to-day tasks, or whether the exercises really do help.
For example, yesterday I dug two holes in the hard dry ground full of tree roots to put roses in. I did this much more slowly than normal, and used pruners to get the roots out. I used my right arm because I can't dig left handed (I did try, it was hopeless). At one point a root gave way and the spade stopped resisting my weight. My arm descended to its fullest extent very quickly. The shock gave me pins and needles in my arm for 5 minutes or so. Later that evening doing the pulley exercise I found I could reach the bar again, which I haven't been able to do for two weeks. (Since the class started.)


Mainly though I'm very thankful that it is still improving, even if progress is very slow.

After the class I went straight to work on the bus, although straight does not really desrcibe the route. It takes one hour - near enough. In a car I could do it in 35 minutes easily.

1 comment:

  1. "If the arm won't go where it should, push it until it does". I think I detect some deep spiritual lesson here.

    Sorry you're having to go through all this, Pete.
