Monday, April 13, 2009

Lee Abbey - Last Day, Easter

The final part of our trip to Lee Abbey is @ At the Cabin - Thursday.
Easter Saturday
Unusually for me, we went shopping - to a couple of garden centres. There is a credit crunch / depression / hard economic times, or whatever, so how do these two garden centres respond? They are almost empty of product, and also of people. So those (few?) of us who want to buy things have nothing to buy.
Very disappointing.
Easter Sunday
I lead the Easter Sunday service with raging stomach ache, a reaction to the drugs I am taking I think. It seemed to go very well. Afterwards I had a brief chat with the wife of the very first Reader at Christ Church, I'm hoping that she will provide me with some more information on the history of our church. After that a much longer chat with a couple of other church members during which my home group leader brought me a coffee - a great blessing.

Secular England
If you didn't already know it the persecution is coming. This story of a Christian being suspended for explaining his Christian beliefs, is an indication of the form it will take (at the start anyway).

Pete's Notes and Reviews: Why men hate going to church
Sadly I didn't get as many responses as Pastor Bob, but the responses he got are very interesting. Check out his 'top ten', and let ME know what you think. Please!

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