Friday, April 10, 2009

Eastingle 2009

This years event occurred on a rainy Good Friday afternoon. The event is modeled on the Christingle service, and is updated for easter, so a hot cross bun is used in place of an orange, and the three colours attached are purple - for royalty - Jesus was King of the Jews, and is the Lord of Creation. Red for blood - to represent the crucifixion, and white for new life and purity.

Surplus Eastingles on the communion tableHere is a completed Eastingle:

Completed Eastingle

Eastingle is a relatively new idea, I have been Googling it to see just how many others there are reported. So far the earliest is from a Guardian report in 2006, at St Peter's and St Pauls in Warickshire. Although it does not mention the hot cross bun.
After the activities with the bun, it is of course eaten, and we have explained the Easter Story in very simple terms to a number of young families, about 70 people in all.
Another church mentioning Eastingle for this year

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