Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Talking to Frank

The other night I walked down the road to see a couple of friends to put my name on something for them. There I met Frank. The three of us were sitting chatting, getting updates on our various states of health and talking about how even small injuries can have such an impact, and in he walked, just like he owned the place. He took one look at me, a quick sniff of the air and climbed up on my lap and made himself comfortable.

Frank is a cat - just in case you had something else in mind. Nothing to do with this Frank.

I sat chatting, and stroking and speaking to the cat. Frank made himself a little more comfortable, and kept a careful eye on me. I kept stroking him.

He has recently been inherited by my friends, and is not quite entirely at home, but seems to like tall people in jeans!

I kept stroking him, and he sat there happily. When it was time to go he got down and I left. It is a long time since my last close encounter with a cat, and that involved a broken window.

I had forgotten just how relaxing it is to sit stroking a cat. The cat must cooperate, not something that all cats are good at. Frank in a pedigree cat, one of these I think. He was certainly well behaved and friendly, a sign of good breeding.

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