Sunday, March 15, 2009

Eat Chalk; 8am & 10am @ Christ Church

Along with Alendronic Acid once a week I have to take calcium carbonate tablets twice a day. I said to someon that it was like eating chalk, and they pointed out that that is exactly what it is. One at the start of the day and one at the end of the day.
The Alendronic Acid gave me an uncomfortable feeling in my throat for 20 minutes or so. It was like geting up in the night from a very warm bed to get a drink of very cold water. That leaves you with a burning sensation in your mouth and throat and is just like the acid.
The chalk tablets are like overdosing on Rennies. When I was young I used to eat too many of these to overcome the effects of very fatty foods. They make the intestines and stomach gurgle, there is excessive wind and much burping - it is not a pretty site (or sound or smell)!

This mornings theme was forgiveness, based on the story of the unforgiving servant in Matthew. At the 8am Margaret spoke about "The Lost Child", a story of a 17 year old cannabis addict locked out of his home. What do you do when someone you love continues to cause problems, with violent assults and a complete disregard for the way you are living your life. What are the limits to forgiveness, and how unconditional should it be?
Mark continued the theme at a very noisy 10am. The scounts, a baptism, and lots of small children who were mostly not engaged with the service at all. While I'm very pleased to have children in the service, and generally not that concerned if they run around, todays episode was too much. At time I could not concentrate on the service because I could not hear properly - even with amplification.

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