Saturday, March 21, 2009


and it is of course, because I have lots to do apart from blogging - which isn't essential, but we do what we do. At the bottom of our road we used to only be able to turn right. Now we can only turn left:

There used to be a barrier in the road where the traffic sign is on the right. Behind the signs on the left you may just be able to see that the road is wider. There is no adjustment just an abrupt change. As you enter the newer more expensive estate the roads are better. The barrier was there to keep the riff-raff out of the new estate, I'm sure, and has nothing to do with another piece of failed planning. Anyway to stop me qualifying as a grumpy old man, here is the view to the right. (btw, I seem to remember that it was the narrow road that was important!)

Here the road is blocked (the road is no more) it is being repaired. Parts of this road have suffered subsidence over a number of years, and recent road works have made the problem much worse - time for something new.

1 comment:

  1. Of course blogging is essential!

    If I were not blogging, I'd have to do some productive work for a change.
