Sunday, February 08, 2009

The perils of Recovery

In attempting to follow the instructions of the physiotherapist, I installed an extra pillow in the bed to support my right arm. The idea being that it should be elevated to let the fluid drain away. I settled into bed and adjusted my arm. It's strange enough for me to get to sleep on my back, but to do so with my arm raised off the bed is weird. I dozed, and then woke up, in struggling to move I strained the muscles between my ribs on my left side, which makes breathing very painful. So it was another visit to Accident & Emergency. I was checked by the doctor and given Co-codamol for the pain (500mg paracetamol, 8mg codene phosphate) - 2 tablets up to 4 times a day, and Ibuprofen to bring the swelling down (400mg) up to 3 times a day. After just one day I can now breath sufficiently well to walk up stairs without being bent double at some point. The down side is that the codene makes me very sleepy, although this morning I didn't actually sleep. The restrictions are:
  • No driving - I can't hold the steering wheel, so not an issue
  • No alcohol - a lot more annoying, there are beers to be drunk. Still I'll have to wait.
The worse side effect of this whole sad episode is that I had to give up my attempt to preach at this mornings service. I had promised the vicar that I would let him know on Saturday morning if I was or wasn't. Saturday morning I couldn't breath well enough to complete a sentence. Perhaps it was never meant to be, or perhaps I just lack the faith to believe that I would be sufficiently recovered.

The bruising is almost gone:

The exercises took a bit of a back seat yesterday, but I am back doing them today. The most painful is putting my arm behind my back, and trying to lift it as far as possibly with the other arm. I can get to just sit the hand on the top of the belt, Friday I could only get my thumb to the top of the belt. These are the type of small steps that I am beginning to obsessively measure as evidence of progress.

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