Saturday, May 12, 2007

A letter from the Bishop

The Letter
During the week I received a letter from the Bishop, agreeing that, subject to completion of the course, agreement to take part in the retreat (Why do we have to retreat? Why can't we advance?), and be involved in post-licensing training next year, I can be licensed to Christ Church. I am both very pleased - because that's what I've been working towards for the past four years (and longer), and also somewhat apprehensive. It has seemed as though it would never happen. There have been times when I started to believe that I was being prevented from progressing. Now as licensing starts to be a calendared event, and I'm in early discussions with Warner about working agreements, I begin to wonder just what the future will bring.

Why do we have to retreat? Why can't we advance?
One of the specific things that was mentioned in the men's outreach course that I ran was the Christian language that we use. Words like "retreat" don't immediately appeal to men, or to the young. For those who know what a Christian retreat is all about, what would be a better word?


  1. A time to listen? R&R? Everything else I can think of is far too boring, or down right silly...

  2. Hi Pete,
    Today (5/15/07) I tagged you for a meme in my blog. Please take a look at it and play along. You have a lot of good things to say and I'd like to see your wisdom spread.
    john cowart

  3. Rest & Recuperation - I like that
