So what of me, here are the eight things (that you won't find on the blog, or the website):
Given a few minutes in front of the TV, I will settle on a quiz show, and shout answers (often correct) at the screen.
I'll sit and tinker with bits of software on my PC, even though there is no obvious benefit.
I'm not an early adopter of gadgets though - I only recently got a digital camera.
I'm called a perfectionist - but only because I want things better than most people.
I'm a bad comedian, I make bad jokes - usually puns (children: DON'T agree)
I'm turning into a grumpy old man, but that's just because I'm getting old. Victor Meldrew watch out!
I wanted to be a physicist
I'd like to do an archaeological dig.
Dad, we don't agree cos we all know that eventually we will make the same jokes to our children and friends... we are, in our own special way, turning in to you (and mum)!