Sunday, July 04, 2010

Almost a Church Walk

It was one of those Sunday's when the preacher chooses the passage.  Margaret chose Genesis 26 (most of it).  I was leading.  The band started with Father Abraham, including the actions - they were much better than the girl in the video, but you won't ever get to see them because it was not recorded.

As I listened to the sermon the atmosphere seemed to get heavier. The message was clear that relationships need to be sorted out, if it can possibly be achieved.  Certainly you cannot force someone to accept an apology, but you can make the apology if you have done something to cause offence.  In the space of a few minutes we had moved from the light hearted fun of Father Abraham, to the serious business of dealing with God, and honestly trying to follow his Son.  I hope the message went home to the people it was meant for, I don't know exactly how many that might have been.  I reminded them all that prayer was available after the service.  The Holy Spirit seemed to be saying that this really needs to be addressed.

Following church (& lunch) we went to Hadleigh castle for the monthly walk - except that wasn't where we were supposed to be!  We were supposed to be in the country park that surrounds Hadleigh Castle.  So much for my expectation that I knew the area - it has changed a lot since I last lived there.  We eventually met up with the group, and found our way back to the car park that we should have started at, and that I had later moved the car to.  Oh well, we must make sure we get the instructions next time - even if I 'know' where I'm going.

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